External access - users in external organizations accessing team after a meeting.

Copper Contributor



I was tasked to create a Team that included some of our staff and some External Users from another Organization. All fine there.


now, turns out we had 'Block All External Domains' turned on in the settings. so was in the process of changing that to 'Allow Only Specific Domains' as the external staff were unable to connect to the team (or login to it)


In the meantime one of the external staff had a meeting with one of the other internal staff and it was scheduled and ran from teams client.

but during the meeting the external noticed that they could now connect to the team ''Group' and view the file area that was setup initially. Even though i have not changed the global setting yet.!


Somehow this doesn't sound like its intended behavior.  or have i missed something that if they have a 'meeting' it bypasses the 'Block all domains' setting.


Any thoughts on this?


Note: the one external user that was in the meeting can access, while another that wasn't in it, can't.

I'll see if that external user can replicate using the meeting, but that wont be till later in the week.








1 Reply
From where was the meeting organised (teams,chat) and the data that was visible was it shared in the meeting?