Need help to retrieve responses from a deleted question in Microsoft Forms

Copper Contributor



I accidentally deleted a question in Microsoft Forms and it deleted all the responses as well. I badly need help in having them retrieved for data analysis.


I tried to do the CONTROL + Z to no luck.

I also tried adding the question again hoping it would map out but to no success as well.


I am really hoping you can help me with this.


Appreciate your swift response.

7 Replies
You can not retrieve that. However you can submit a support ticket and they hopefully can restore that data. I’ve seen it done before so I know it’s possible.

@ChrisWebbTech 😞 thanks.. not so sure I'd know how to raise a ticket. sorry.. any link we can go to raise one?

If you are just a user, you can't. You should ask your admin to file a support ticket with Microsoft.

We've stumbled into this same problem at work. It's really baffling to see, how easy it is to do such permanent damage in MS Forms. We were already planning to move majority of our surveys to Forms, but I think we need to reconsider. Not all employees who work with the surveys have good enough IT-skills to avoid pitfalls like this. The service should definitely warn a user if they are about to do something that can result in permanent data losses. 

Couldn’t agree more. And why isn’t there version control and a publish option as with PowerApps??

Is it possible to recover result for MS Form Survey and the actual form?  If possible, how?

Thanks in advance for your help
