Jul 02 2018 03:00 PM
365 Exchange Online
Outlook 2016
Is it possible to give full access to a mailbox with 'send as' or 'send on behalf' permissions but the sent item is to only be saved in the sent items of the other mailbox sent items? Not a copy saved.
I can only find Powershell commands for a copy to be saved in both sent items.
Set-Mailbox <delegator mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled $true
Jul 02 2018 03:10 PM
SolutionFrom the Exchange side, you're using the right command, but you're correct that it will save a copy in both sent items folders.https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/exchange/2015/03/03/want-more-control-over-sent-items-when-using....
I'd strongly recommend that method as it's easiest to manage, but the other option is to configure local workstations using group policy, so long as you are using Outlook 2010 or higher. That should make it so that it's only saved in the one folder:
Jul 02 2018 04:56 PM
Thank you! Tested on a user and it worked 🙂
Jan 28 2019 05:31 AM
get-mailbox -recipienttypedetails sharedmailbox | set-mailbox -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $True -MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled $True
Run this commaned it will enable for all shared mailbox.
May 21 2019 04:12 AM
Google for UniSent add-in for Outlook.
Jun 24 2019 06:01 PM
Has a Powershell cmdlet showed up for the shared account DELETED email? I'm doing this with a registry entry today.
Feb 24 2020 11:48 PM - edited Feb 25 2020 01:09 AM
Hello all,
our freeware "UniSent Flow" moves a message sent from a shared mailbox to user's Deleted items folder.
Jul 19 2021 07:08 AM
Dec 14 2021 07:51 AM
Jul 02 2018 03:10 PM
SolutionFrom the Exchange side, you're using the right command, but you're correct that it will save a copy in both sent items folders.https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/exchange/2015/03/03/want-more-control-over-sent-items-when-using....
I'd strongly recommend that method as it's easiest to manage, but the other option is to configure local workstations using group policy, so long as you are using Outlook 2010 or higher. That should make it so that it's only saved in the one folder: