Rehearse with Coach - Monthly Enterprise Channel

Copper Contributor



I have a user who I'm trying to support who is missing the Rehearse with Coach functionality in PowerPoint.

They are using version 2105 version of 365 on the Monthly Enterprise Channel but cannot see the feature.


I have tested with a client on 2106 - Current Channel and can see the option under the Slide Show tab.

I've seen this post which seems to suggest its only available on Current Channel:
Rehearse with Coach is missing on Powerpoint - Microsoft Community

But surely we should now be seeing it in the Monthly Enterprise version given it appears to have been added to Current way back in version 2012?



2 Replies

@JBrunsden Hi, from what I can tell it seems only available on the Current channel. Besides that you need to allow the Connected experiences that analyze your content Connected experiences in Office - Deploy Office | Microsoft Docs


@Martin_Nothnagel_Office_Ranger should be able to provide an official answer. Let's hope he sees this @mention.




As I'm not with the in-app feature teams, I can't provide an authoritative answer. Similar to Christian, I can only say that the feature is not listed in the MEC's release notes and so the absence seems to be expected.