Forum Discussion

Jhonny_Smith_555's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 27, 2024

M365 Test / Dev tenant that does not costs for long-term

Hi There,


As you all know getting a Microsoft 365 tenant costs you and could be pricy depending on what level of subscription/features you would like to try.


So, looking for any recommendations for setting up an M365 tenant with E5 and all the security and compliance apps/features.


I know you can get a trial version for a month or 3 months for some but am looking for long-term. This will only be for testing purposes.


Any insight is much appreciated. Thx 


- Jhonny


  • So no one out there using M365 Tenant for testing purposes without paying any cost? Thx

    • Jhonny_Smith_555's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thx Kidd_Ip 


       I can find the feature differences easily from the Microsoft site.


      However, my specific request is to find a way to set up a test / dev M365 tenant without paying, and this had to be for long-term. Thx



  • olá!
    Esta é uma questão muito simples de responder. Considere seguir o caminho abaixo:

    Para criar uma conta no Microsoft Learn, siga estas etapas:

    - Acesse o Microsoft Learn.
    No canto superior direito, clique em Entrar.
    Selecione a opção Criar um perfil.
    Siga as instruções para criar seu perfil, inserindo suas informações pessoais e escolhendo um nome de exibição.

    Lembre-se de que o Microsoft Learn é uma plataforma incrível para aprender novas habilidades e explorar recursos de treinamento.

    Espero poder ter ajudado.

    - Ramon

    • Jhonny_Smith_555's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thx Ramon.

      I had to seek Google's translation service to understand what you said above. Thx for the feedback but that's not what am seeking help for. My specific request is to find a way to set up a test / dev M365 tenant without paying, and this had to be for long-term. Thx

