Retention Policies and OneNote Notebooks

Brass Contributor

Does anyone have any enterprise best practices concerning how to manage/maintain OneNote notebooks when your organization requires retention policies in OneDrive and SPO?


I have a situation where notebooks started to be deleted from users' OneDrives (x) days after they were created. We found that the modified date doesn't change when a user modifies a section or page of the notebook, only when a notebook's property has been changed. For the time being, our workaround is to update the notebook's name, but I can't suggest that to 6,000+ users as a long-term fix.

3 Replies
What did you learn about this? I'm about to deploy retention for OneDrive and I'm worried about the same thing...
Jason, did you find the answer you were looking for? I am wondering the same.

@HerschelJ I did find what I needed and created a help document for my compliance team.
