Adress List not showing in Outlook Client or OWA

Copper Contributor



we have exchange hybrid environment and I want to create a custom address list for our pool cars/projectors/cameras.

Since this can be done only over Powershell I execute a simple command: New-AddressList -Name 'Pool Cars', recipientfilter needs fine tuning but I have manged to get one car into the list with the customattribute1 which has a value: car. So far so good. But the list is not showing in the outlook client or outlook OWA.

We are currently having a problem when downloading an OAB, and it states 0x80190194, event viewer shows "OAB Download Failed. (Result code in event data)." Event ID 27".  I expect this to be solved by our colleagues but I should still be able to see the new list in OWA?

Am I missing some step to enable the list in the outlook address book? It is being listed under root container or \.



3 Replies
Yes, address lists should be visible in both premises, provided you created the address lists in both locations (on-prem & online).
best response confirmed by Tonito_Dux (Copper Contributor)

Hi @Tonito_Dux,

I was able to reproduce your issue. I created an AddressList named 'Pool Cars'. This one wasn't available in OWA/Outlook.

After that, I created a new one wit the following cmdlt:

New-AddressList 'Pool Cars' -Container "\Pool Cars"

Same result. Address List missing. Then I edited it like the following, ( only as example/testing 😞

Set-AddressList 'Pool Cars' -RecipientFilter "(RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox')"

After some minutes of replication, the address list was available:


You could also check the address list state with:

Get-AddressList 'Pool Cars' | fl Container,Path,DisplayName,IsValid,IncludedRecipients


Regarding missing object in a Hybrid environment address list, that's a know issue and easy to fix:


New address lists do not contain all recipients - Exchange | Microsoft Learn


Regarding the OAB error, please check:


Description of Offline Address Book logging in Outlook - Microsoft Support


And here some best practices:


Address lists in Exchange Online | Microsoft Learn


Hope this helps.



thank you for your thorough answer and sorry for not replying before. I was able to solve the problem in the meantime the same way you did.

• Connect to EXO PS.
• New-AddressList –identity “Name”
• New-AddressList –identity “Name” –Container “Main Folder Name” – this will create “Name under “Main Folder Name”, like a tree structure.
• Recipient filter has to be then definied for the new address list otherwise it wont hold any users/objects/resources.
Example of a filter for a car resource:
set-addresslist -identity 'Autos' -recipientFilter "(CustomAttribute1 -eq 'Auto') -and (RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox')"
Custom Attribute has to be defined on the object in local EX or AD under “externsionAttribute1”.
• Force AD Sync
• Wait for 5-10min
• Check if the wanted members are in the new addresslist:
get-user -filter "((CustomAttribute1 -eq 'Auto') -and (RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox'))"
• IMPORTANT: If nothing is listed, then update the object in AD with ANY value just to initiate the “refresh”. For example add a city to the object and the force dir sync. Later remove the value.
• Run “ Get-AddressBook | Update-AddressBook “ in EXO

There are couple of screenshots missing with the steps outlined above but it is because there are some company related info which I want to keep out of public.

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Tonito_Dux (Copper Contributor)

Hi @Tonito_Dux,

I was able to reproduce your issue. I created an AddressList named 'Pool Cars'. This one wasn't available in OWA/Outlook.

After that, I created a new one wit the following cmdlt:

New-AddressList 'Pool Cars' -Container "\Pool Cars"

Same result. Address List missing. Then I edited it like the following, ( only as example/testing 😞

Set-AddressList 'Pool Cars' -RecipientFilter "(RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox')"

After some minutes of replication, the address list was available:


You could also check the address list state with:

Get-AddressList 'Pool Cars' | fl Container,Path,DisplayName,IsValid,IncludedRecipients


Regarding missing object in a Hybrid environment address list, that's a know issue and easy to fix:


New address lists do not contain all recipients - Exchange | Microsoft Learn


Regarding the OAB error, please check:


Description of Offline Address Book logging in Outlook - Microsoft Support


And here some best practices:


Address lists in Exchange Online | Microsoft Learn


Hope this helps.


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