what happened to "value from cells"?

Copper Contributor

In a chart: Data labels, more options, format data labels, label options, label contains value from cells


Usually it the option is there, today, sometimes/mostly, it is not. These are x-y scatter graphs. Once I thought it came back after pressing 'f' which is the shortcut key, but if it worked, it only worked once.

11 Replies


With your permission, if I can recommend you (even if i am probably not the right one to suggest a solution to your problem), add a file (without sensitive data) to your project.

Explain your plans/problem in relation to this file. So you can get a solution that is tailored to your needs much faster.

At the same time, it is much easier for someone who wants to help to understand the subject.

A win-win situation for everyone.

Please no Picture, even if it is said that a picture can say a thousand words, it is certainly not in the case of Excel, on the contrary in some cases.


* Knowing the Excel version and operating system would also be an advantage.


Thank you for your understanding and patience



I know I don't know anything (Socrates)



Hi, actually pictures are the VERY best way to convey the situation but I haven't been able to get a picture of the way it used to work.


Are you familiar with labeling data points in Excel charts? For years, there was a macro available to label points with cell contents, just like Quatro over 20 years ago. Then Microsoft built it into Excel and it has worked well for at least a couple of years.


 With your permission, sir, I know that I know nothing.
Just wanted to point out that you will get an answer faster with an inserted file (without sensitive data). In your case the Excel version and / or the operating system would be advantageous.
Because if you use Excel for Web, for example, some commands are not available.

However, it was a suggestion, if it doesn't help, please ignore it.

Thank you very much for your time and patience and I wish you every success in your project.



I know I don't know anything (Socrates)



I'm glad my message is being seen. The next time I see Excel working the way I wish it would, I will save the file and upload it.




In order not to be misunderstood, I am not from microsoft and am not paid by microsoft either.

Just like that, I don't pay anything to microsoft that I can use the forum here and the whole database of information that is available.

I am not paid for any help I offer. as well as not paying for any help I get or got in this forum.
Everything is on a voluntary basis (at least as far as my person is concerned),

help to be helped whenever I can or I need it.

I am sorry that you could not be helped in the way you wished.

But please keep in mind that you can only help a user insofar as he is willing to be helped.

However, I wish you every success and success in your project.


Thank you for your understanding and patience



I know I don't know anything (Socrates)


image.png I this (enclosed picture) what we are discussing?



Yes, that option is what I used to see, but lately it is not available. I have tried with very simple data but I haven't seen the option lately. 


Perhaps there are some unspoken rules about when it will work.

@unclejohnjohn I created the image using MS 365 Excel Insider.  AFAIK, the option shows when you seek to format existing data labels.



HI, as you can see the option to select cells is missing. 



Hi Peter, also missing for me. I'm on MS365 Excel. encinasl is right it's missing. This is a major bug.
Make sure you're not working in compatibility mode. If so, File | Info | Convert to convert to XLSX.