Forum Discussion

sparrowsfall's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 19, 2022

Mac excel chart-display bugs

I have two problem with chart display in Mac Excel 2021 Home and Student, 16.68. Running MacOS 12.6.


1. Charts frequently display as blank, and when I use Select Data for the blank box, it's empty â€” no data series therein.



What's especially odd: the chart will come back, both the display, and series in Select Data, reappear.

2. A. The line colors in line charts change randomly when I close then reopen a workbook. B. Some lines (and their data series) just disappear. 


These threads:


...suggest that it has to do with an obscure setting:


"Properties follow chart data point."


This is supposed to be under File:Options. I have no such choice on the main File menu, and there is no File menu on my ribbon. Also don't find any such setting in Excel:Preferences.


Any help much appreciated. Thanks.


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