How to input data into different cells from one table

Copper Contributor



Hi guys, so I have created this excel analyzer for my cash flow every month. The first picture is the main page and the second is the data and the third is where the working is. Now, I've accomplished being able to sort my budget and amount spent, having two slicers to categorized the amount spent by month or by what i spent on. Also having two graphs one showing actual vs budget and what i spent on the most by month. Now, i wanna add income and also savings and cash flow. My idea is to have a table that i can add in the income every month into dedicated months, so for example for dec, i wanna click on dec then enter the income amount same goes for jan, feb, march. Then it will store the data and show a graph for cash flow vs savings. But, im having a hard time thinking how to create the income table. Or is there any other way that is better ? 

1 Reply



You've had a lot of views, no replies. I suspect that lack of responses is due to the difficulty in understanding how your workbook is arranged, what all the tabs are, how the raw data (presumably transactional) is entered in the first place.


In other words, in general

How is Input handled? 

Are you collecting raw transactional data on separate tabs based on sub-categories?

Or are you collecting all raw transactional data on a single sheet, as a single database?

How is Output handled?


Are you in a position to post your actual workbook (or a copy of it) on OneDrive or GoogleDrive, pasting a link here that grants edit access. That would help us help you.


For what it's worth, my own approach with my own expense tracking workbook is to collect all raw data (Input) on a single worksheet, as a single table. All data meaning every credit card charge/payment, every check written, every deposit made. I then have three columns for budget category, sub-category, and (optionally) sub-sub-category. I then use Excel's marvelous Pivot Table capability to create summary Output) reports of income and expense by month by category. Personally, I don't bother with graphs, though they'd be easy enough to do, from the Pivot Table.