Forum Discussion

Farlif's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 23, 2022

Group table lines with cell content

Hello, absolut newbie here, I've got a table with 1600+ lines, and 20+ columns. Now I want to sort them according to "cell content contains word 'keyword' in column F", or better, mark those which contain my text string in column F with an x in column I.
Please, how can I do that? 

34 views ... Obviously I'm wrong here with my newbie question. Sorry! 
Wish you great holidays! 

Excel 16.68
Mac OS Ventura 13.0.1

  • Harun24HR's avatar
    Bronze Contributor
    Post few sample data and desired output. Better to attach a sample file. We can't understand what your are trying to achieve from your post. So, to illustrate it better way attach sample having desired result.
  • Farlif's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Well, probably too easy for you all. 🙂
    I tried =IF(SEARCH("auf",F2,1), x, "") in several variations, but I always get an error message that there's a problem with the function. Can you help me?
    • MY's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Close but you might have luck with this:
