formula to Check if cell value matches with Dynamic Row Number.

Copper Contributor
I have Two Data Sheets"Sheet 1 (Raw Departures)" and "Sheet 2 (Raw Arrivals)"  
Sheet 1 (Raw Departures) Sheet 2 (Raw Arrivals)     
GuestSite# Guest NameSite# Match Site Row #. Sheet 1  
Rrookie, Dan3 Bell, Michael Steven74 n/a   
Criss, Leon5 Brown, Beth18 n/a   
David, Clyde129 Brown, Greg64 n/a   
Evant, Tim64 Celino, Darrell153 n/a   
Smith, Jack63 Cordova, Edgar124 n/a   
Ham, Steve151 Land, Danica37 20Site Does not Match  
Hakins, Sam39 David, Clyde129 13Matched Site#  
Hookins, Shilo18 Davis, Tina107 n/a   
Kesslerl, Mikdew131 Evant, Tim121 14Matched Site#  
Land, Danica133 Hookins, Shilo18 18Matched Site#  
Using a Match() formula I have detected that "David, Clyde     
s in both sheets and the site number on Sheet 1 is in row 13.    
I now need to know if the site number is the same for both sheets;   
 if "True" populate G12 with "Extended Stay"    
 IF "FALSE" populate G12 with " Moved to New Site"   
How can I dynamically change the row # in a formula?      
Something like        
 "= If("Sheet 1" Column B, row# (based on G"X","Extended Stay","Moved to New Site""
 I need to change the row# based on the Row found in the Match()  
Any help is appreciated.        
4 Replies


See the attached workbook.


Thank you for the quick response. I am new to getting in this deep and it will take a bit to digest this solution. Thank you for your suggestion.

Thank you for introducing me to the LET()Function. It works great. However I have encountered another issue that I have spent countless hours of reading and watching videos to try and solve. I am not sure how to upload my worksheet so I have condensed it down to post it here. Any help or guidance what I should research would be greatly appreciated.

As before:
1) I have two separate Sheets
a) Date of Departure, b) Date of Arrival
2) The Guest name can be on the same sheet multiple times with different Site#
3) The Guest can be on the Departure sheet and be staying longer so they appear on the Arrival sheet as well.
a) If they remain in the same Site# they are considered an "Extension"
b) If they want to stay but have to move to a new site they are considered a "Move" and my sheet needs to read "Move from Site# x to Site# y.

I have narrowed the options down to this formula:

Where column
F - Index = Arrival Site#
B - Match = Departure Name
E - Match = Arrival Name

If the Name appears multiple times my MATCH formula gives me the same row
number for each occurrence of the name and thereby the same Site# instead of the correct one. How can I get the correct row with multiple matches?

I will gladly upload my work if you cn direct me how to do so.

Thank you in advance for your help.


If you don't see an area below the box where you compose a reply to upload a file, you can either upload it to for example Google Drive or OneDrive, share it and post a link to the uploaded and shared file, or send me a PM (click on my profile picture) and attach the file to it.