Formula HELP- From A group Need to do a vlookup

Copper Contributor

I am trying to analyze a list. 

Column A is a unique identifier. I want to group the sheet by this identifier. 

Then I want to do a vlookup or If I think. That says in the group of similar Ids (1-5 results normally) of those in that group of that unique Id - How many of Column C = "exact Text" return Yes. 


So If the Unique Id in Column A =1 and has 3 rows that =1 in Column A .. then of those three rows  do any of them have "Specific Text" in Column C - If so return Yes. Then go to the next group of Unique Id from Column A and repeat function


Please help.. Because the data contains PII I can't share.. But any help would be appreciated. 

1 Reply

@TGoodnight : Hi, I tried using Countifs to solve this