Forum Discussion

rhytmify's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 23, 2024

Excel formula delimeter

In formulas I have ";" delimiter -  IF(logical_test;value_if_true;value_if_false).

But I need it to be "," - IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false).

Can I do it on macbook sonoma 14.1?

I couldn't find anything related in regional configurations on mac or excel confirgurations. 

    • rhytmify's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      thanks, but whatever I choose in Number format, formulas are still with semicolon, it impacts only numbers for me. I also uncheck and checked Use system preferences in Microsoft Excel/Preferences/Edit/, but result was the same
  • rhytmify 

    Apple menu > System Preferences > Language and Region.

    If you want to change the setting for all apps, click Advanced and specify the number and currency separators.

    If you want to change it for Excel only, first click Apps. Then click the big + button and add Excel.

    • rhytmify's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thanks for your reply, but there is no Advanced in Language & Region, all settings are listed directly under Language & Region
