Custom Number/Currency formats getting corrupted for international Mac users

Copper Contributor

Link to earlier post, somewhat relevant:


I've built a workbook model used by my colleagues worldwide. It was developed in English, in the US. 

The custom formats all work fine for Windows users worldwide, and for some Mac users.

Mac users outside the US get a corruption notice on file open. 


I was able to recreate the error on my Mac by changing my region settings to any region outside the US (i changed to Europe for example).  My hunch is that the locale settings must not be recognizing my custom number formats and that is what is causing the file to corrupt on open. 

Here are some of the styles that were removed/repaired:


[Color10]0%" ▲";[Red]-0%" ▼";

[Red]-0" ▼";[Color10]+0.00" ▲";



I also use conditional formatting to change the Currency format based off a cell value (if A1= 'EUR', change currency to euro symbol, if A1= 'YEN', change to YEN symbol, etc)


Is there a way to force the workbook to be opened following the region settings it was developed in?

If not, is there a way to change my custom number formatting to be international locale friendly? 


Thank you


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