Forum Discussion

Bourrinho's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 28, 2024

Count the number of dates that fall within a certain month


I'm looking for a formula that counts the number of dates in a list fall within a certain month. If at all possible without intermediate steps. 


To be more specific, I'm wondering if there's a formula that can perform the count as in the yellow cells below (now I added these manually). So counting in a list of dates (column B below) how many in month/year A, month/year B, etc



Thanks a lot for the help!

  • Bourrinho 

    In general that could be

        ( IFERROR( N(MONTH($B$2:$D$7)), 0) = MONTH($F2) ) *
        ( IFERROR( N(YEAR($B$2:$D$7)), 0) = YEAR($F2) )*
        ISODD( ROW($B$2:$D$7) )

    by adding one more criteria. Details depends on content, do you mean odd row within the grid, or odd row counting from the start of the range.

    • Bourrinho's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Issue here is that there's also other info listed on the sheet. However I think I maybe can get it work by creating a new sheet and transfer info required for A-C
    • Bourrinho's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      In column D it's dates formated as mmm/yy. 


      Would a pivot also work if there's multiple columns to count? I used a simplified example but in reality will be about 10 columns of dates (e.g. project 1 registration, Proj 2,...). Then I would like to have the count per month per project (ie a table with for example projects listed horizontally and then listing the applicable months in date format as rows below)

      • SergeiBaklan's avatar


        Nope, PivotTable won't work such way, at least directly. As variant that could be like

        =SUMPRODUCT( --(MONTH(range)=MONTH(fromDateCell))

        assuming in range are dates
