Cant push objects off a sheet

Copper Contributor

Im on row 1081 of my excel sheet and when I try to insert a new row a pop up says I "Can't push objects off a sheet".

7 Replies


Before you look at the proposed solution, and since we do not know your Excel version, operating system, storage medium, I recommend performing an update in advance. It is recommended to always provide this information in advance in order to get a quicker and more concrete solution.


This error message occurs when you attempt to insert rows or columns in a worksheet, and the option “Nothing (hide objects)” is selected under the “For objects, show” section in Excel options. This is a known bug in some versions of Excel. 

Although this option is not selected by default, it’s possible to set it accidentally by pressing a particular keyboard shortcut (CTRL+6).

To fix this issue, you can unhide all hidden rows and columns in your worksheet. 

You can do this by selecting all cells in your worksheet by clicking on the box at the top left corner of your worksheet (above row 1 and to the left of column A), then right-clicking on any row or column header and selecting “Unhide” from the context menu.


I hope that helps!


I know I don't know anything (Socrates)


I faced very same problem, i tried all the solutions mentioned above, but no avail. Then I noticed that I was able to hide all but two columns. I realized this was because there I had inserted a note in the last column and those two columns were required to show the notes. I edited the notes, moved it to left. Voila, I was able to hide all columns after my content

I am experiencing the 'Can't push objects off the sheet' error message when attempting to hide columns to work with vendor data.  None of the workarounds work and the error message seems to become a new feature of the hide function.  My only solution was to download a new copy of the workbook and to hope the popup doesn't come back


I am on Office365 for enterprise and the issue seems to begin when more than 12 colums are selected OR if the selection is close to the edge of the visual screen.  the popup may not occur if you do a smaller selection of columns, but once it happens, it will happen again, and effectively lock you out from hiding AND unhiding content.  super annoying as i use this function regularly 

I was unable to hide columns. So I found the faulty row first and then found the faulty cell of that row. As it turns out, the very last column contained a tool-tip comment. Deleting the comment fixed the problem.

I believe what was happening is that when I was hiding any column the overall width of the Excel work-area (not just the area you are using) would shrink, But Excel would internally continue to position the comment at the same physical location that was now out of bounds.

In diagnosing the problem, try to delete all comments. If that fixes the problem, find the comment that is causing it. That comment is probably near the very last row or column that Excel supports

To everyone that has this issue, @dkyrtata has the correct solution.


It seems that the old style Comments (called NOTES in Office 2019+) that 'span' to the right hand side for instance (hovers over into other columns), those columns are the columns that can't be hidden ("Can't push objects off a sheet").


The problem is my comments are hidden by default (only shows on hover) so I never realized the comments would overlap the target columns that I want to hide.

Manually MOVE the comments (notes) into the column it is showing information for or to the left such that nothing that will 'hover' will be in the overlapping the columns you want to hide (I usually hide everything to the right that is unused).

I imagine everything like the new conversation notes eg. that will 'hover' its contents in overlapping columns that you want to hide will do the same. 

It would appear that the 'hidden' section is 'out of bounds' even for Excel to render things.


Thanks for this, I was so confused!


Just in case, we have both Comments and Notes on modern Excel.


In general behaviour is bit different, but that concrete case, yes, that doesn't matter.