Forum Discussion
Jan 19, 2022Copper Contributor
VM Connection very often gets disconnected
I'm seeing a lot of disconnects in my hostpools.
Just in the last 24 hours, a user had the following
The connection from the client to the Windows Virtual Desktop service was terminated unexpectedly. (24 times)
The network connection between the Windows Virtual Desktop client and the service was unexpectedly interrupted. (50 times)
So far the Azure infrastructure is good. No issues with the session hosts. This issue is affecting 20 users out of 700.
Is there any way I can investigate deeper to get more knowledge on what is going on? The LogAnalytics is only giving partial information
- ATWVDCopper ContributorUpdate from our case. We had only ONE set of random session host disconnects every morning at 08:06 or 08:33 where the users could reconnect straight away after.
In the end this was fixed after a technician did some cleanup of private dns zones in the vnet. The zones where not related to AVD traffic at all.
Our theory is that updating/saving config in the vnet refreshed the config and fixed some backend error.
We did not see any disconnects after this was done.- Tejas5190Copper ContributorIt's because your traffic is not reaching the correct DC for Auth, or dc is not replying, only dc in same site can authorize you, please open all the required ports for ldap communication. You DNS provider or team can help you here as you rightly said. Azure has not control on this.
- abhijeetthakur475Copper ContributorMy VDI is always getting disconnected while i'm in any meeting in Teams because of which i'm unable to complete my task on time and missing important information from meeting. please help me with resolution
- Tejas5190Copper Contributorcheck if this is in fslogix or just avd.
- AnkurPuriCopper Contributor
Tejas5190 I am now getting very less frequent disconnections. One solution our infra team gave was to give the AVD in India region and putting in South India AVD pool. I am not sure if Microsoft has given any fix for this issue yet but now I can use it for longer time at a stretch.
- AnkurPuriCopper Contributoryeah, same here
- David_LaffertyCopper ContributorWhere is Microsoft in all of this?!!!!! I have a open ticket with Pax8 with Microsoft and its been open since April. Microsoft is giving me run arounds and excuses. They are say that they high call volumes (BS!!) Dont Microsoft hear our crys!? We all pay Microsoft a lot of Dollars pouring into them like a tsunami and they dont fix some of these issues. Does MS see this? Im still dealing with these issues too even 15 minutes ago Client says David why is my Azure dropping. We all should go on AZURE STRIKE! MS has all this documentation that us MSPs have to read through but there is nothing to resolves any issues. its like Try this, try that, change registy keys. It completely insane what we as MSPs have to go through and our clients suffer dearly and are frustated with this.
- johnsonvjoseCopper ContributorIs anyone experiencing connectivity issues when using RDP Shortpath on a public network? Does RDP Shortpath help in reducing disconnections?
- adam_schildmeyerBrass ContributorI'm getting mass disconnects with short path on both public networks and S2S connections. It's very disruptive when it happens.
- aschildmeyerstratusBrass ContributorShortpath is using UDP. Cloud networks have ebbs and flows of packet uncertainty. I am finding this in all my workloads and not just AVD. Basically, if you have something that uses UDP in a cloud hosted environment, good luck. You will lose packets and lose connections. Event in the same vnet/region. Many times I lose DNS requests, or I should say I was. it's been a few months since my app services have wined about "no host known".
Anywho, with UDP loss you need to switch to TCP and shutdown shortpath. The downside to TCP is you're going to see lots more latency in typing, viewing, scrolling of pages etc. I wouldn't say it's a fix, but not a very good one. The UDP loss should just cause a momentary glitch and move on like a voip call. Not flatout fail.- DBR14Iron ContributorRight, oddly enough when I got UDP turned off my users actually said AVD felt better. Both technical users and the end users on the other end. Given 90% of our company is located in a 60 mile radius, the AVD infrastructure isn't exactly a stones throw away either. I'll take it as win.
- aschildmeyerstratusBrass ContributorThat is interesting. Usually, you'll see the packet loss on TCP as the screen locks up, with scrolling draws of the screen as the TCP session retransmits or naggles and adjust the sliding window around.
It must be that shortpath just is not prime time ready, the UDP packet loss is enough to kill the connection on the Azure end but not bad enough to notice in TCP or something else. Like everyone in this thread, I go for periods where I have 0 issues. Then the disconnects pile on. Sadly, I need shortpath/UDP to be working as I tried pure TCP and the session latency wasn't working well for my end users. I've actually thought about bringing it back in house.
- FH19966Copper Contributor
nicolasriderelli I am facing similar connection errors on two customer AVD Environments. Interesting thing: We have couple other classic terminalserver hosted for our customers in azure and they had no problem with RDS connection
- DBR14Iron ContributorWe used the AVD ADMX template to turn off UDP on connectivity between the clients and the session hosts and that appeared to help us tremendously. With that said the errors you are showing are not what we were dealing with, but that's not to say maybe there are some settings within the ADMX template you can adjust to fix your problem.
- NKUGANBrass ContributorThis error message suggests that there was an unexpected interruption in the connection between the client device and the Windows Virtual Desktop service. This could be caused by a number of factors, such as network connectivity issues, problems with the client device, or issues with the Windows Virtual Desktop service itself. To resolve this issue, it is important to first identify the cause of the problem, which may involve checking network connectivity, troubleshooting the client device, or checking the status of the Windows Virtual Desktop service. Depending on the cause, potential solutions could include restarting the client device or the network, or reaching out to the Windows Virtual Desktop service for further assistance.
- nicolasriderelliCopper ContributorHi Kugan
I have spend almost 9 months troubleshooting with Microsoft support. The major explanation was network issues with the end user.
The thing is, we started troubleshooting and then the user had no more disconnections and a new user came with the problem. It was very complex to troubleshoot since is random. One day you can have the issue and the other you are good.
Even with shortpath for manage networks the problem persist. We enabled Microsoft VPN with a high bandwidth, and the user see a little stability but still disconnecting. This is interesting, because when we eliminate the gateway, the problem is less frequent.
Thanks!- Rob VaudinCopper Contributor
nicolasriderelli Hi, the client has been using ping plotter across two ISP providers one fiber connection and one VDSL. The office mainly use the fiber with either shortpath via vpn for windows devices and over internet for linux based clients. On the fiber they have seen significant packet loss accessing microsoft. The ISP however says its not their problem and is with Azure services. Testing this against the VDSL line they say they get a lot less packet loss. This is done at all times during the day. We spent about the same time as everyone else with this issue about 9 months with MS collecting logs but never got to the bottom. Seems both parties blame each other. We did improve things apparently when moving some file shares from a virtual server to azure file share , however not sure how much the users are reporting disconnects. I suspect the issue is with ISP's rather than MS and interested to hear other peoples opinions
- ATWVDCopper ContributorDid you ever find the cause or get a solution for these disconnects?
- DP305Copper ContributorAlso been still having the same problems, ticket with Microsoft has been going on for +- 4 months now. As of now we still have no resolution and the clients that are bothered by it are close to stepping away from AVD because we can't get to the root cause of this issue.
- Rob VaudinCopper Contributor
ATWVD No never got to bottom of it
- TOKYOSREVENGECopper Contributor
Hey all I'm seeing the same issue with a small % of my users. Like previous comments 95% work just fine but ~5% have irregular issues. This is a disconnection so my users can reconnect and get their same session back and it only happens to a few on the same session host.
Here are the Errors and Sources.
Source Error Message sample RDGateway ConnectionFailedClientDisconnect (-2147467259) The network connection between the Azure Virtual Desktop client and the service was unexpectedly interrupted. Things Checked:
- User is connecting to closest region (Central US)
- RD client is up to date (windows)
- Heartbeat registry entries put in image to prolong connections (unsuccessful)
- Web access for a week for impacted users to see if that will calm down the disconnections
- HLM\Software\Microsoft\MRSDC\Policies REG_DWORD AutomaticUpdates (2) on impacted host pool
Testing will take a couple of weeks because I do not want to make two changes at the same time. If it works and I make both changes we won't know what fixed it. I am thinking this is an issue with user at-home network or the RD client. Do we have any old versions of the RD client that seem to be working better?
- Rob VaudinCopper Contributor
Hi all, Been having this issue since deploying for local clients, we can go through days with no issues, and then all of a sudden we get a lot of errors. We have a mix of Windows-based and Linux based client devices ,also some using the web client and all devices affected. When it occurs the users can be across different hosts on different devices however not all users on hosts are affected. We have a ticket open with Microsoft but this has been open and ongoing since Feb with them. Its a pain to the client but nice to see other users are experiencing the same issues.
- tomdwBrass ContributorAre you on Windows 11 AVD by any chance? I'm getting many disconnected sessions on this.
The error message we get is:
"Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end. Please try connecting to the remote computer again."
Currently we are doing more testing and we have a case with Microsoft, but so far we haven't gotten a solution. However ours seems to be Windows 11 related.- CelDBCopper ContributorHi. Did you get anywhere with this? I have some users experiencing this too in UK South.
- tomdwBrass ContributorDo you perhaps happen to use the WebRTC redirector for the Microsoft Teams AVD optimisation?
- nicolasriderelliCopper ContributorNope. Just Win10 Vms