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Windows Office Hours: October 17, 2024
Event Ended
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 08:00 AM PDTEvent details
Get answers to your questions about adopting Windows 11 and managing the Windows devices used by remote, onsite, and hybrid workers across your organization. Get tips on keeping devices up to date effectively! Learn how to cloud attach your on-premises workloads!
Windows Office Hours is our continuing series of live Q&A for IT professionals here on Tech Community.
How does it work?
We will have a broad group of product experts, servicing experts, and engineers representing Windows, Microsoft Intune, Configuration Manager, Windows 365, Windows Autopilot, security, public sector, FastTrack, and more. They will be standing by here -- in chat -- to provide guidance, discuss strategies and tactics, and, of course, answer any specific questions you may have.
Post your questions in the Comments early and throughout the one-hour event.
Note: This is a chat-based event. There is no video or live meeting component. Questions and answers will appear in the Comments section below. |
Updated Nov 19, 2024
- ThomasTrombley
Thanks for joining us for Office Hours today! We'll continue to work on any open questions from today -- and we'll be back next month on November 21st! Save the date!
- HeyHey16KSteel ContributorThank you for your help guys, much appreciated
- Tim_MenzelCopper ContributorIs it possible for Endpoint Analytics to show performance over time (over a 3 to 6 month period)? Looking at ways to see if/how performance is affected after deploying policies/apps.
- Max_Stein
Hi Tim_Menzel! Would something like: Endpoint Analytics - Baseline management accomplish what you're looking for?
- jpitch1Copper ContributorWhen deploying a W11 feature update through Config Manager Windows Servicing plans you have the flexbility to deploy as available unlike when creating an ADR rule. But dealbreaker is that its recommended not to allow the update to download from MS Update. Is there any plans allow support for this? Be nice to allow clients to be able to dowload the update without needing to pre-cache or be on the coporate network.
- v-shmoo
Could we gain more insights into the support for the October patches, particularly their impact and relevance on Windows 11? Additionally, is there any information on the applicability of KB5045594 for both Windows 10 and Windows 11, as some AVD users are now intermittently experiencing black screens.- ThomasTrombley
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Shelly,
We post all the latest details/news across monthly updates and larger updates to the Windows Release Health dashboard located here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/release-health/.
- v-shmoo
Thanks for your reply! I did check there however I wasn't able to find much information 😞
- Piyush325Copper ContributorIs there a way to change the primary user of a device automatically from Intune based on how frequently they log in over a specified timeframe ?
- Max_Stein
Hi Piyush325, Intune automatically assigns and adds a primary user to devices during enrollment. There are a few considerations to keep in mind when changing a device's primary user. For more information, check out: Primary user of an Intune devices to learn more.
Could you also provide more details about your scenario and use case? Would a kiosk/dedicated or shared multi-user device setup be suitable for your needs?
- Henk_-_Simac_IT_NLCopper Contributor(When) will the possibility to deploy to user's primary device only become available in Intune?
- ThomasTrombley
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Piyush, I'm working on landing an answer for you!
- IsaiahRamseyOccasional ReaderHi, When applying policies related to changing Sleep Settings and Hibernate mode to already affected Shared PC devices in Self Deployed mode will those policy settings always tatto untill every user that uses the machine log in?
- Henk_-_Simac_IT_NLCopper ContributorIsaiah, with Shared PC settings some Power settings are already applied to optimize shared pc usage. It's not recommended to change this. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/configuration/shared-pc/shared-pc-technical#setpowerpolicies Do you scope configuration to user groups on shared devices?
- IsaiahRamseyOccasional ReaderHi Henk, I scope these to a specific device group. We were having an issue were when a PC sleeps and upon waking up the sign in prompt wasn't appearing. So I changed these settings to a small affected group and was curious on how this would apply to a multi user device.
- ThomasTrombley
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Isaiah, I'm working on landing an answer for you.
- JeffreyCohenOccasional ReaderHi Microsoft, I am currently testing the process of upgrading devices from Windows 10 to Windows 11 using Feature Updates within Microsoft Intune. Most of my end users are using HP business laptops with a fresh Windows 10 OS from Microsoft, as we remove the OEM Windows 10 that comes with the laptops from HP. While I am able to successfully upgrade the older model laptops from Windows 10 to Windows 11, I am encountering issues with the newer models that were recently purchased. Could you help me understand why this is happening?
- EricMoe
Jeffrey, what sort of issues are you encountering?
Whether it's an OEM image, a vanilla image, or a custom image that you have created, you should be able to in-place upgrade from 10 to 11 using the Feature Updates policy. Here's my standard response to troubleshooting why an in-place upgrade is not occurring (I have posted this to another question in today's office hours):
One of the most common reasons the update won’t be applied to a set of Windows 10 devices is that the hardware does not meet minimum requirements for Windows 11. Windows Update for Business won’t offer the update to a device that doesn’t meet eligibility requirements. As to the reporting you can use, Windows Update for Business offers reporting for Feature Updates that should get you pointed in the right direction. The knowledge base article is here, Use the workbook for Windows Update for Business reports - Windows Update for Business reports | Microsoft Learn, and look specifically for the “Device status group for feature updates” which will include the Windows 11 readiness status to show devices that are capable, not capable or unknown for Win 11 readiness. If the devices not receiving the update are showing as capable, your next step is to see if the update attempted to apply but failed. You can find this documented here Use Windows Update for Business reports for Windows Updates in Microsoft Intune - Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn – so if the update attempted to apply (so the device received the offer) but failed, it should have a failure status in this report. One common failure is there is not adequate disk space on the device for the update to apply. If you end up in a scenario where your devices are capable, but nothing is showing in your error reports, confirm that you are still receiving monthly quality updates on those devices as well. If not, then you may have a communications error to the Windows Update for Business backend service, which are the ports documented within our troubleshooting article: Windows Update issues troubleshooting - Windows Client | Microsoft Learn which also contains additional steps you can perform to troubleshoot update errors. Good luck!
- JeffreyCohenOccasional ReaderHi Eric, Thanks for your quick reply. Some of my test devices are stuck on "Pending" and "Offer" statuses. When I check Windows Update, Windows 11 isn't available. I tried manually upgrading these devices using the Windows 11 Installation Assistant, but I received an error message stating, "We couldn't update the system reserved partition." I resolved this issue with the following commands: - `Mountvol y: /s` - `Y:` - `cd EFI\Microsoft\Boot\Fonts` - `del .` This is likely related to one of the reasons you mentioned for not receiving the update: insufficient disk space on the device.
- L_A_2023Copper ContributorDoes each Intune Windows configuration policy you create requires having the MDM Wins Over GP setting set in order to override settings on each GPOs you want to block?
- EricMoe
If the MDWinsOverGPO setting is applied to the device, it is then applied - you don't set it in individual policies. But keep in mind, MDMWinsOverGP only applies to policies in Policy CSP. MDM policies win over Group Policies where applicable; not all Group Policies are available via MDM or CSP. It does not apply to other MDM settings with equivalent GP settings that are defined in other CSPs such as the Defender CSP. Nor does it apply to the Update Policy CSP for managing Windows updates.
- L_A_2023Copper ContributorHello Eric... so I just have to create one Intune configuration policy with the MDMwinsOverGPO setting and apply that to all my Windows devices, correct? After that any Policy CSPs I create in Intune for Windwos that its applicable to GPOs will get applied...
- RyanSteele-CoVIron ContributorCan you please provide an update on the status of the issue with Expedited Updates? For those that aren't aware, using the "Quality Updates for Windows 10 and Later" policy in Intune to expedite the installation of a security update is currently not working. Instead of installing the update and forcing a restart of the machine, the update is repeatedly installed and rolled back, and the machine restart is never enforced.
- EricMoe
Unfortunately we do not have any insights into the status of the issue you are experiencing. Work with the support engineer(s) assigned to your support case to work to resolution.- David_Guyer
RyanSteele-CoV ,
I've take a closer look at your other post and I don't think it's expedite. The Expedite feature is done once the restart completes. So, with the rollback 10 hours later, I think that's where to focus and determine what is triggering that rollback.
An update rings policy can be configured to roll back, that might be a quick simple thing to check.
We aren't seeing data on the service or feature end showing this, so I don't think it's widespread, but something is definitely not working for you and at least one other customer and so I've reached out to the Expedite owner to see if we can get a bit better investigation.Thanks for bringing this up.
- psheppard79Copper ContributorAre there plans to add SharedPC CSP to multi-session editions of Windows 11 running in Azure Virtual Desktop? Furthermore, the current configuration options for Windows Updates for Business in Intune is very limited for multi-session edition in AVD. Is there something on the roadmap to make the feature pair in functionality with regular editions?
- Heather_Poulsen
Community Manager
Thanks for your questions, Philip. We're checking with our colleagues in the Azure Virtual Desktop team so if we can't answer during the hour, please expect a follow-up.