Forum Discussion
Mac protect only forms
I added Forms (Button, Textfield and a Dropdown) to my Word Document.
As far as I see I need to protect the Form in the Developer Option to get the Forms to "act normal", so for example just clicking the Button ones to change the Status of the Button form checked to unchecked.
If I don't select the protect Form Button it is just not possible to change the Button state with 1 click.
But if I click protect Form I cant edit otherparts of the Document where the user needs to edit the Document, so no Forms.
Is there a way to protect the Forms but only the Forms not the whole page? So you can still edit the page, but you only need to click the button once to change its state
- You need to insert Section Breaks to divide the document into Sections - those with the user needs to be able to edit and those in which the formfields are located.
- exceluser2022Copper ContributorI know that I can do that using Restrict Editing on Windows. But I don't see that Function on Mac
exceluser2022 On the menu bar choose Insert > Break and then choose the kind of break you want to insert.