Forum Discussion

cczarnuch830's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 08, 2021

Unable to get meeting details from microsoft teams app using react



I'm currently writing a Microsoft Teams meeting side panel app in react and I need to get the scheduled start time of the meeting. I am trying to use the meeting module (meeting module - Teams | Microsoft Docs) `getMeetingDetails` method. When I call this from my app, the error is {errorCode: 1000, message: "App doesn't have sufficient permission to use this API"}. 


What I've tried to do:

1. In the teams manifest under `webApplicationInfo`, add the App Registration Client ID and URI with applicationPermissions: ["OnlineMeeting.ReadBasic.Chat"]

2. In the App Registration, add OnlineMeetings.Read.All and OnlineMeetings.Read under API permissions.


This link (Enable resource-specific consent in Teams - Teams | Microsoft Docs) shows how to use the graph API to get this data, but I'd like to use the microsoftTeams library as it's cleaner.


Is there something I need to do with the authentication module? (authentication module - Teams | Microsoft Docs) Or are there other steps that I need to do in order to give permissions to use this API?


Thank you
