Forum Discussion
Octavie van Haaften
Dec 11, 2022Copper Contributor
Get a list of joined participants during a regular meeting
I have created a regular meeting and when that meeting starts, I would like to see a list of joined participants in the side panel. This is similar as the People tab that comes with Teams, but I need to check for each participant some status information in an external system.
Now the Graph API /me/onlineMeetings (Get onlineMeeting - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn) will only return invited persons for a created meeting. But when the meeting starts at some point, additional persons can join the meeting.
I searched in the area of Meeting Bots, but I cannot find any code samples how to do this. (e.g. ) Most bots are for conversations or adaptive cards, but I have a meeting side panel to show this list.
I would like to know it this is even possible or not. And if yes, can someone point me to the right direction?
/cc ChetanSharma-msft Prithvi-MSFT waldek
Thanks, Octavie
- Nivedipa-MSFT
Octavie van Haaften - Thanks for reporting your issue. We will check this and update you soon.- Nivedipa-MSFT
Octavie van Haaften
You can subscribe for change notification for online meetings. You can get the below event notification:CallStarted - Occurs when the meeting call has started.
CallEnded - Occurs when the meeting call has ended.
CallRosterUpdate - Occurs when a participant joins or exits the meeting call.
In CallRosterUpdate you will get the active participants joined and exited list.Example of Response
{ "@odata.type":"#Microsoft.Graph.onlineMeeting", "":"communications/onlineMeetings?$filter=joinWebUrl+eq+'{joinWebUrl}'", "id":"communications/onlineMeetings?$filter=joinWebUrl+eq+'{joinWebUrl}'", "eventType":"Microsoft.Communication.CallRosterUpdate", "eventDateTime":"2022-02-28T00:00:00.0000000Z", "activeParticipants@joined": [ { "Id": "a4d67b60-56a5-4202-9f1c-f123ff40621e", "Identity": { "User": { "Id": "f92ca67f-0564-414b-8caa-8c95b8099928", "DisplayName": "user display name", "TenantId": "85045508-f5bd-405e-a553-52700f86e29c" } } } ], "activeParticipants@exited": [ { "Id": "11141402-1b62-4795-b540-4ffee8544231", "Identity": { "AzureCommunicationServicesUser": { "AzureCommunicationServicesResourceId": "534c244d-49f8-47a1-9e8e-70d115a2ef4d", "Id": "8:acs:534c244d-49f8-47a1-9e8e-70d115a2ef4d_28f01a7b-42cd-4e37-ae1a-bd653377f4b7", "DisplayName": "acs user display name" } } } ] }
Ref Doc: note this is supported only beta at this time.
For displaying data on sidepanel please refer below sample:,
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- Octavie van HaaftenCopper ContributorThanks, I will take a look at it. Seems a complex solution for a simple request. Hope the Graph API or so will implement a simple endpoint for retrieving joined participants of a meeting.