Forum Discussion
Jul 24, 2023Copper Contributor
Suspended Workflows
Dear Community, I have a workflow that processes travel claims, The SharePoint Online List exceeded its limit from 5000 and most of the workflows were suspended. Then I archived the SharePoint L...
Vivek Jagga
Jul 25, 2023Copper Contributor
Hi Tayyab Hussain,
Please go through
Please go through
Jul 25, 2023Copper Contributor
Thanks for sharing the workaround. I think this will work. I have restarted a flow and lets check the results.
- Jul 25, 2023Don't think those are related issues but we'll see. Anyway, you never verified if this is onprem or online SP?
- Tayyab_HussainJul 26, 2023Copper Contributor
Dear ChrisWebbTech
This is a SharePoint Online Site, but developed in SharePoint 2013. I noticed one more thing, I made an new List and a new workflow (both having a new name) and moved a couple of Travel claims to that New List, and started the workflow, as long as the stage in first stage i.e. not acted upon by any one, the workflow is in the starting mode, it gives this message
But as soon as the first approval is received, it gives this message
- Vivek JaggaJul 25, 2023Copper Contributor
Tayyab_Hussain, I believe it should work. If its working then let community know about this.