Forum Discussion
Sharepoint permissioning for document libraries
I have a new sharepoint team site, i have created serveral document libraries under this site called:
i am now trying to permission these libraries with 365 security groups, as follows:
Finance Library - only visible & accessable to the finance Security group
HR Library -only visible & accessable to the HR Security group
Operations Library - only visible & accessable to the Operations Security group
is this possible or do i have to create seperate sharepoint sites with these libraries ?
please help
- Kelly_EdingerBronze Contributor
Hi aliain-TCP - this is possible, while not recommended, you can permission down to the single file level. For each Library, go into the Library Settings > Permissions for this Library > Stop inheriting permissions > remove unnecessary groups and add your new group for that Library.
- aliain-TCPCopper Contributor
Kelly_Edinger That is the problem i was having, i went into site settings, library permissions, removed the inheritance, but then only got the option to invite people not add a security group as i wanted. I have now setup seperate sites which just means eventually we end up with 30 sites for different departments.
- Kelly_EdingerBronze ContributorIf you've created SharePoint security groups, then you can type those group names in the same 'add new' area that you'd add user names. If you've used SharePoint groups but they were created on a different site collection, then they won't be available on that site. If you create Azure AD Security groups, they can be repurposed across any site, library, or file.
- Per the scenario you have, I would recommend to have an independent site per department so you follow best practices and simplify those sites management
- aliain-TCPCopper ContributorHi Juan, I have now setup the sites, didnt want to end up with 20 sites which is why i thought the libraries where a good idea.