Forum Discussion
May 06, 2020Copper Contributor
Sharepoint logo not changing
Hey everyone, Like many other users, I can't seem to change the logo on my SPO site. I created this site via Team -> go to Sharepoint site. I've tried the many solutions: change the loo...
Copper Contributor
I've had no success, since the creation of the group, changing the logo while changing the theme as well.
Thanks for the reply!
Bruno Aleixo
May 28, 2020Microsoft
MitchMicro2020 take a look at
"Make sure the O365 group property "HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled" is not set to True. Exchange or Global administrators should use Set-UnifiedGroup to set HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled to False."
Teams for example sets this to True by default on sites created thru teams
- MitchMicro2020May 28, 2020Copper Contributor