Forum Discussion

mhornoloopers's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 20, 2022

Product catalog with image and file attachments?

Would it be possible to create in Sharepoint a product catalog CRUD website? Something like:

  • List of products with some basic data
  • Each of them has more detailed view with its data and some images/videos/pdf files that are linked to this product.
  • You can also create edit and delete products


I was looking into putting them into a Sharepoint list but I don't see how I'd have this relationship of one product can have one or more images, videos or pdfs since a list document can only have many attachments but there's no difference between them which I assume would make showing these attachments in different places of the detail view and the creation/editing hard.


Lastly, would it be better to use powerapps connected to sharepoint list or sharepoint cross-site published website with the list as a catalog?


Thanks in advance
