Forum Discussion
Jan 31, 2024Copper Contributor
Power BI - wrong version is opening
We have a power bi file which we're saving on teams/sharepoint. The frustrating thing is that when i go to open (whether into the app or a browser) from teams/sharepoint, it's not opening the most re...
Feb 15, 2024Iron Contributor
cro1100 Unfortunately, Power BI does not sync directly with the built-in version histories of these platforms. Instead, Power BI relies solely on timestamps to determine the latest version. Directly saving over an existing file preserves the original timestamp. To Power BI, such outdated files can incorrectly seem more "recent". To work around this, I advise to utilize "Save As" to create a new file with an updated timestamp each time changes occur.
This guarantees Power BI will view the iteration as distinct and current. Share direct links to the precise intended version file. Avoid depending on library views which may highlight the wrong timestamped copy.