Forum Discussion

sophie4455's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 16, 2024

No longer able to move records between lists to archive

We have a very large comples bookings list in sharepoint. Twice a year we have to archive "completed" records so as not to exceed the 5000 threshold. We have always done this in Site Settings > Site Content and Structure. But, there is no longer a "move" option in the actions tab, only copy and delete. We tried copying the records across, but are unable to copy even one record (just get the green spooling wheel).

We are unable to move records using PowerAutomate as we far exceed the look-up threshold for PA. 

Any ideas why we can suddenly no longer "move"...? 


Many thanks 

  • Hello sophie4455

    Is this still an issue? I could gladly help by guiding you through this thread or have a MS Teams chat. :) 

    Yours sincerely,
    Aref Halmstrand
