Forum Discussion

johngallagher's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 20, 2023

Hyperlink an excel cell to a word document in sharepoint as a new copy each time.




I am building a master excel sheet and am planning to link to individual word worksheets within sharepoint from different worksheet cells. I am going to distribute this to multiple "groups" and would like to open a fresh "copy" of the worksheet each time the hyperlink is used so that each group can fill out their own worksheet from the same hyperlink. Is there a way to do this so that each group isn't accessing the same live document but various independent copies when they click the hyperlink?


  • SvenSieverding's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    Hi johngallagher ,

    you could create a new page and add a button to it.

    Create the button url like this

    https://<mytenant><mysite>/_layouts/download.aspx?SourceUrl=<link to file> 

    so for example

    You will get something like this:

    If you press the button, your Excel File will be downloaded by the user and not opened directly.

    Best Regards,
