Forum Discussion

SSantos's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 24, 2022

Form configuration - add buttons in footer

Is it possible to make button works in footer?  If so, how? I found references to adding links in footer.  I tried adding a button  in the footer to set values to other columns.  You can click the bu...
  • ganeshsanap's avatar
    Aug 25, 2022

    SSantos You can add button in list form footer like: 


        "elmType": "button",
        "txtContent": "Click"


    But, if you are trying to use "setValue" in form formatting, I don't think it is supported. I will try to get confirmation from list formatting repository maintainers just to be sure. 

    Documentationconfigure the list form 


    In this case, you can customize list form using Power apps to add button & update form values.

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