Forum Discussion
Document in "Read-only" mode all the time
fakhrula Thank you. I have no idea how my Sharepoint locations had been added to my OneDrive Synchronisation. I have recently started using O365, and created some sites. Actually, I think I used Teams to create Channels. Maybe Microsoft integration (in this regard) has gone too far. It appear that the creation may have resulted in the addition of Sync, which I do not want (the whole point of Sharepoint for me, is that I don't have local copies). That said, what is the logic that allows me to have a local copy, that I can't update (only save as yet another copy)???? Surely it should update/overwrite regardless!
Anyway, as I say, I don't want a local copy, and so your suggestion works for me.
Onedrive Desktop App (right click cloud in systay) > Settings > Account tab > Stop sync (against the folder of interest)
ChrizK Replying to myself as the instructions are correct. Coincidently, I have been struggling again with Read Only. More of a coincidence, someone added to this thread which triggered my email. This is fortunate, as it made me read my own instructions. As I had a vague recollection of this problem, I thought I had stopped the OneDrive app during my investigation of the current problem, but Read Only persisted. This morning, I read the email and my own reply again. I checked OneDrive and found that there was a Sharepoint folder added to sync, but with zero bytes usage. Again, I have absolutely no idea how it was added, and I don't think it was even related to the folder I had the problem with (other than being the same Teams Channel, which means it shares the same Sharepoint Document folder).
Anyway, I removed this from OneDrive sync, and my document now allows me to turn on AutoSave once more (I still have major/minor checkout enabled).