Forum Discussion
Aug 07, 2019Brass Contributor
Display more fields in People Profile web part
How to add more fields on People Profile web part for example, we need to add phone, department, photos, skills from the office 365 user profile.
Aug 07, 2019
By the way, bear in mind that you cannot extend deafult WebParts provided by Microsoft
Aug 07, 2019Brass Contributor
But Magnus shows example all fields displayed, why is our SharePoint not showing those fields?
- MagnusGoksoyrOLDProfileAug 07, 2019Bronze Contributor
Jeyganesh Are those attributes (Phone, Department) populated in your AD? (if they are then they should be displayed)
- JeyganeshAug 07, 2019Brass Contributor
Yes. it's available in our Active Directory, but not displayed in people profile web part.
Also, we missed the "show more" links.
- MagnusGoksoyrOLDProfileAug 07, 2019Bronze Contributor
Jeyganesh Hrmm.
Two more things you can try:
- See what happens if You click the Picture. Will it show more information then?
- Edit the web part properties and try both the Compact and Descriptive view. Any differences then when You click the picture?