Forum Discussion
Disable SharePoint alert notifications when comment a file
Notifications are enabled for both SharePoint and OneDrive in the org settings. My understanding is this should "allow" users to turn on notifications. Not apply them automatically.
Did anyone make any progress on this?
In the email alerts we receive, in the bottom right of the email, there is a link that takes everyone to there personal alert settings. There is a setting for "Email notification when others comment on my documents." Toggle it off.
- hannaliz2905Jul 24, 2023Copper Contributor
jameshickey1140 - Hi - we have started getting this, anytime a folder is moved, a load of people get notified, as far as I'm aware alerts weren't switched on and when I checked the site I couldn't see it set on. In the email received I can't see a setting to switch it off. Did you find out anything more about it?
- jameshickey1140Jul 24, 2023Brass Contributor
Hi, Yes, it was in the users personal OneDrive settings. The settings are all defaulted to alert on for me. Go to OneDrive on the web, then click the Gear Icon (top right) then click OneDrive Settings:
On the left under Notifications, you'll see all the different options for notifications. There are 7 in my options:
Hope this helps.
- jameshickey1140Jul 24, 2023Brass Contributor
Another place to look would be: In the document library that users are getting notified about, look for the Automate drop down. There is a manage rules option there. Maybe there is a rule set up in there. Source:
Good idea for an April Fools practical joke 😉
- ritusharmaVisycomAug 05, 2024Copper Contributor
jameshickey1140 thank you so much i was struggling with this issue from last 2 months