Forum Discussion

DWOps's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 04, 2023

Conditional formatting for dates based on another cell value

Hi, I am trying to add conditional formatting to my sharepoint list but cant figure out the answer for my scenario.    I want to change the rows to orange if the column 'Status' shows "Awaiting Pay...
  • ganeshsanap's avatar
    Aug 07, 2023

    DWOps Use this JSON for your list view formatting



      "$schema": "",
      "additionalRowClass": "=if([$Status] == 'Awaiting Payment', if(@now >= addDays([$DateBillSent],60),'sp-field-severity--severeWarning',if(@now > addDays([$DateBillSent],30) && @now < addDays([$DateBillSent],60),'sp-field-severity--warning50','')), '')"



    Where Status and DateBillSent are internal names of your status and date columns. You can get the internal name of your column by following this article: How to find the Internal name of columns in SharePoint Online? 



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