Forum Discussion
Button to create new page / open new page menu
Hello, I ended up with a similar situation and ended up using power apps with a power flow to create the buttons.
The first difficulty was the call to create a page from a template is a post request.
That ruled out a simple redirect.
In powerapps you can create a button with a function like this
; Launch(flowResponse.url);
SendanHTTPrequesttoSharepoint is the flow the .Run("25") is the page number of the template i want to use.
To get the pages number I used chromes debug to watch the network call for (CopyWithConfiguration) that has the page number in the request.
In power automate you can use the SharePint api object to create the page :
The whole flow looks like this :
The URL is the link back to your new page that powerapps will Launch.
Hope this helps.
PS: I also believe this is automatable with the sharepoint api to automatically grab the templates you want but this should get you started.
Heres a sample of the result with 2 button to create pages :