Forum Discussion
Jan 11, 2018
Wrong time zone and date format
I've noticed that for our tenant, all OneDrive for Business sites have US date format. I am versed in SharePoint, so I know to go to Site Settings and change the regional settings. But t...
Apr 04, 2019Copper Contributor
A year late maybe, but looks like there is now a (partial) Tenancy wide solution now for the Timezone problem.
- Apr 04, 2019
RuthJ Thanks for posting that. I wasn't aware of this setting. Do you know if it applies to new OneDrive for Business sites, too? Because the fine print says that it applies "when you create a new modern site". And time zone is just one thing. The region is the other setting that needs adjusting, so the date is displayed in the correct order (DMY vs MDY).
- Steve HernouMar 05, 2020Iron ContributorI realise this post if a year old but just wanted to confirm that, after we changed the default time zone in SPO admin center, newly provisioned user accounts have their OneDrive in that time zone (GMT+1 for us).