Forum Discussion

Rob Bowman's avatar
Rob Bowman
Iron Contributor
Mar 13, 2018

Shared by me - No Sorting Options?

Really excited to see the much awaited Shared By Me in OneDrive for Business. We definitely see the benefits and will use this in our continued effort to educate users on why they should share a document rather then send out copies. One issue - it is not sortable? And the default sort order I have not quite figured out.


1. Will it be sortable?

2. If not can we sort by something that makes sense like "Latest Shared"?

  • Rob Bowman 
    I am a teacher with hundreds of students - all share their MS files with me so I can help them, review them, and grade them.  One Drive DID allow me to sort these Shared WITH Me files until about a week ago.  Suddenly I cannot sort these shared files - WHAT!!!!!!!!???????
    I was able to sort by user, person shared, date, etc.  
    Now I have nothing.
    This makes it much more difficult - extra steps.
    Please advise - HELP!

    A Desperate School Teacher

  • JaceeL1970's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Does anyone know where this discussion got to? It appears that in the midst of Covid-19 its been forgotten. Does Caroline Feldman have anything for us, as this have been a non evolving situation for some years?
    As a small business, keeping track of shares is a fundamental need and there to be able to sort what has been shared into an order is a major component of that process. Sadly file name or location by themselves aren't hugely beneficial because each client would have their facsimile file structure and facsimile file name for the same core correspondence. To create a root preference to sort by would be an enhancement when and if we finally get the ability to sort.
    • AllanWith's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      You're probably right in that this has gotten prioritized down. It may seem strange, as it's right there under "Share with me", but they probably wanted to focus on making Teams more competitive under the COVID-19 pandemic, which makes sense.

      It's too bad that we just need maybe a year of focus on making quality-of-life changes to SharePoint/Teams file handling in order to make it truly competitive with file explorer for file management and sharing, but we keep missing out, since the focus seems to be more on things like Viva, Mesh, Power Platform, etc. I get why they go that way, I'm just lamenting that we end up having to spend time helping our users with things that we shouldn't have to.
      • JaceeL1970's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Thanks prioritised down means downgraded or demoted.
  • AllanWith's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Absolutely agree - great to see the feature appear. Really miss ways of adding structure to the list, such as sorting. But how about showing it in, well, folders... you know, the same way it is displayed under Files. Right now it only says the folder that the shared item is placed in, but what if that is a subfolder of a subfolder? Then it becomes more difficult to get an overview of things...


    Shared by me and Shared with me kind of "share" the same problem, namely that things are really just presented in long lists and there are no ways for the users to structure those things by themselves. We're having conversations with users who really miss this and are choosing to go with a competing product instead.

      • StephenRice's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Hi all,


        Glad to hear you're all enjoying the new Shared By Me view! We've definitely heard the feedback around filtering & sorting and it's something we're thinking about. Thanks!


        Stephen Rice

        OneDrive Program Manager II
