Forum Discussion

DiogoSousa's avatar
Iron Contributor
May 17, 2021

OneDrive Known Folders with other redirects

Hello and greetings from Portugal!


We're thinking about implementing the OneDrive "known folders" GPO to move desktop, documents and favorites to OneDrive this moment we already have a GPO implemented for My Documents redirection.

Does anyone knows how this will work? Do I need to remove the My Documents redirection first?


Best Regards,

Diogo Sousa

  • We migrated in bulk using the SharePoint Migration Tool. You can build a relatively simple script to get a list of all user's OneDrive urls and their homepaths into a csv which you can then import to SPMT to upload.
  • Lou_Mickley's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    The newer versions of the OneDrive sync client will leverage KFM to migrate the files from the existing redirected UNC path and get the files to the cloud. It will also override the folder redirection back to the c: user\OneDrive folder
  • It depends on how you have folder redirection setup. If your folder redirection GPO has a valid target and is applied to the same user who has KFM targeted, the GPO will always take precedence and OneDrive will error saying the known folders are already being redirected.

    The way we did it was we were redirecting the users folders to "%HOMESHARE%%HOMEPATH% which would depend on them having a homepath set in Active Directory, and when we wanted to move them to OneDrive, we would remove the homepath in AD which would then allow OneDrive KFM to take over.
    • DiogoSousa's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      Hi Rhys and tks for your reply. did you managed the documents the user had at %HOMESHARE%%HOMEPATH%?
      • Rhys Williams's avatar
        Rhys Williams
        Iron Contributor
        We migrated in bulk using the SharePoint Migration Tool. You can build a relatively simple script to get a list of all user's OneDrive urls and their homepaths into a csv which you can then import to SPMT to upload.
