Forum Discussion
Empty Recycle Bin automatically
Is there a way to empty automatically the recycle bin of a certain user ?
for instance empty the bin every 24 hours ?
unfortunately i found only this "request" from 2015 :(
via policy ? via API ?
..please NOT via powershell cmdlet! :)
- Thomas Pallisgaard IversenCopper Contributor
Hi Stefan,
If you are running Windows 10 maybe this could do the trick for you....?
- StefanFriedSteel Contributor
thanks thomas
in my case this doesn't help at all. :)
i'm performing a user simulation against my cloud tenant.
one of the simulation is for instance targeting onedrive (uploading file - deleting, etc..)
whenever i'm done with the simulation, i would like to empty the bin automatically so that i don't end up with hundreds of of files in the trash. (the 90days period is too long)i was just thinking if there is a way via user policies (e.g empty trash after 24h for this particular user account).....but even this does not exist for onedrive :((
i'm wondering why MS does not provide such simple function to their customer base
i hope that i just simply miss something here :)
- Short answer, as you might wornder, is you can cook yourself the automatism to empty user's recycle bin using SPO APIs (CSOM / REST)