Forum Discussion

danfeng's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 28, 2021

Teams VOIP signalling protocol and TCP port?

I understand MS teams is using HTTP/HTTPS TCP port 80/443 for call setup, and RTP/UDP for data plane,
My question is how can I apply QoS for MS Teams signalling traffics? (in another word, How can I capture/classify the HTTP/HTTPs traffics only for MS Teams call setup, excluding other normal web browsing traffics)??


PlaneMedia Traffic TypeUser source portDestination portProtocol
DataVoiceUDP 50000-50019UDP 3478-3481RTP over UDP
DataVideoUDP 50020-50039UDP 3478-3481RTP over UDP
DataScreen SharingUDP 50040-50059UDP 3478-3481RTP over UDP
Signalling  TCP 80 and 443HTTP/HTTPS
