Forum Discussion
Teams invites random people to meetings
It's that, that is going on, or the only other thing outside a serious bug would be that the people you invite have delegates setup for their account and the meetings get forwarded to someone else, but based on the problem statement above it looks like you are selecting a channel to hold the meeting which makes the meeting public, leave that field empty so meetings are private or utilize Outlook to schedule Teams meetings since that doesn't let you do that.
ChrisWebbTech This seems like an extremely stupid implementation of meetings. Why even have "required" or "optional" attendees if everyone and their cousin from the team can join? I love putting meetings in channels as it allows the meeting notes to be tracked in the channel. especially with recurring team leads meetings then the meeting notes live in the appropriate channel.
Most people are normal and understand if you don't get an invite, you don't come, but random team members who's primary work is in other channels of the team still tend to show up every once in a while like I have personally summoned them. The baseline functionality of event invites is broken if you try to organize your meetings into their related channel. Which we should be encouraged to do, not discouraged from doing, especially if we use files/meeting notes.