Forum Discussion

AtanasM's avatar
Iron Contributor
Sep 20, 2022

Team is missing in Teams admin center

A team is available in Teams, but is missing in Teams admin center. What could be the reason for that?

  • dmoura2195's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    So apparently sometimes during Teams provisioning the team itself isn't considered as team as it should, even if the team was successfully created and appear to the end user on Microsoft Teams.

    After opening a ticket with Microsoft, the support wasn't able to help me so I decided to research a bit and found the solution. Please note this procedure should be used like a last resort or if the team already have some usage where deleting and creating could be painful. If you created a team and it's blank maybe you should deleted it and try to create again.

    This operation should be made using Microsoft Graph since currently isn't possible to achieve the same result with powershell. As you should know Microsoft Graph is the official API from Microsoft so any available methods are officially supported by Microsoft to their customers so we are not doing nothing that isn't supported. But in any case please check more information about this on Learn: Microsoft 365 group behaviors and provisioning options - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn

    How to fix the Teams not showing on Microsoft Teams Admin Center:


    1. Open Microsoft Graph Explorer -
    2. Login with a user with enough privileges to change the group settings
    3. Consent every permissions to the user
    4. Do a GET call to and "Run query" so you will know the ID for the group you want to correct
    5. After getting the ID, change from GET to PATCH and change the URL from the previous to{group_id} changing {group_id} to the ID of the group
    6. On the "Request body" put the following JSON code:
      {"resourceProvisioningOptions": ["Team"]}
    7. And click "Run query"

      After that you should see your group on the Teams Admin Center and on the groups you will see the Teams icon near to the group showing this is a Teams Team.

      If you run a new GET for the groups you will see that it was added this parameter to the team.

      Let me know if it worked for you.


      Diogo Moura
    • MHE's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you. This fixed issue perfectly.

  • GeorgeHoran's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I am having a similar issue, was there any update to this for you? Were you able to resolve?
  • That's not the Teams Admin Center a Teams Admin is going to see all the Teams created in the tenant
    • JeffStewart's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      umm, I have this issue right now too. Can see the team in my teams desktop app with the 3 channels but it doesnt show in teams admin. I can see it in exchange admin under groups tho.
