Forum Discussion

sp-jmglade's avatar
Iron Contributor
Mar 26, 2020

Presence based routing & Busy on Busy on Call Queues



Has any one experience with using Presence Based Routing for call queues? We've setup round-robin call-queues, but the presence based routing doesn't switch on, so if users are busy etc... it ignores this and calls the user anyway.


Also, has anyone enabled busy-on-busy for users in a call queue, does it work? This was a way to at least stop Teams ringing when a user is currently on a call.


Thanks for any input!


  • Joni,

    As per my understanding in case the user sets the status as busy the call will still ring. Until the user is in a call or in a conference call status or in a DND Status the call will not ring in the call queue. Any other status the call will surely hit the user in the call queue.

    With Regards,
    Satish U
    • sp-jmglade's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      Thanks, yes, that's what we're seeing but even when the user is in a call then they will still get the new call ringing, so really it's ignoring all presence states of the user and forcing the client to ring.
      • RealTime_M365's avatar



        Open a case with Microsoft Support to check with the Behavior. For the users who are already in call the call should be skipped atleast. Could be a Bug in the Microsoft Call Queue.


        With Regards,

        Satish U 

    • Carol_Iven's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      We have switched on Busy on Busy (with the option users unanswered settings). We have a Call Queue with Round Robin and Presence Based routing swithced on. We did some tests and the Call queue was still ringing users who were in a Call. This is what we want for call queues.
      But now we have another case where Attendant routing is setup with Presence-base routing switched off. When all Agents are in a meeting, they don't receive any calls anymore because of the Busy-on Busy. We actually don't want Busy on Busy to affect the Call Queues. Can anybody explain how Busy on Busy exactly affects the CQ's?
