Forum Discussion

daheinri77's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 24, 2023

New Teams Client - Calendar not accessible anymore


from one day to the other, I can't use my Teams Calendar anymore.

"Could not fetch calendar events from the user exchange mailbox endpoint retuned by AutoDV2."

No problem with classic Team, on my mobile or New Teams in web browser.

Clearing my caches etc. didn't resolve the problem.

Best regards


  • ChrisZan's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    We have the same Problem since one week. The Microsoft 'testconnectivity' for the Calendar Tab give us the same error message.

    Test-OAuthConnectivity on the ExchangeServer (DAG with 4 MSX 2016 behind Kemp Loadmaster) throw Error "Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel"

    In the 'new' Teams the Calender shows an Problem. In the 'classic' Teams (App and Browser) it shows an empty calendar.

    Kind Regards

