Forum Discussion
Microsoft Teams News: Wiki Page Retiring in January 2024 & There Are Things You Must Do
- Mar 13, 2023
REVISED: Regarding the Wiki Libraries in SharePoint, the wiki pages will remain on SharePoint. However, the Wiki Page and App are not available in January 2024.
I created a video on exporting the Wiki libraries content to a zip file and opening the pages into a Word file as a BACKUP. It will be available later this week. I will update this post with the link when it is available.
Stay tuned.
Good content. On average, how many channels per Team Site did you have?
I also did a little digging and found nothing on how to disable the Wiki App. It has been a hot topic in the past.
Most had 1 channel but I would have to say 2 channels per team if you are looking at an average. We also utilize private channels and that does create a separate SharePoint site.
I took some time yesterday and wrote the following simple PowerShell script to identify the team, channel, and tab name where the wiki app is being used. It matches my manual results so I am confident it reports correctly. This script doesn't alter anything and it does not have a bunch of bells and whistles. I hope it helps those that can use PowerShell:
#Set Connection Variables
$Tenant = 'your tenant'
$ClientId = 'your client id GUID'
$TenantId = 'your tenant id GUID'
$Thumbprint = 'your certificate thumbprint'
#Import and Connect to Necessary Modules
Import-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell
Connect-SPOService -Url "https://$($Tenant)"
Import-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Teams
Connect-MgGraph -ClientID $($ClientId) -TenantId $($TenantId) -CertificateThumbprint $($Thumbprint)
#Setup the object and container Items
$properties = @{Team=''; Archived=''; Channel=''; ChannelType=''; Tab=''; App=''}
$objectTemplate = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties
$Items = @()
#Get all SharePoint Sites with a Team Connected and Sort on Title
$Teams = @(Get-SPOSite -IncludePersonalSite:$False |Where IsTeamsConnected -eq $True |Sort Title)
#Process Each Team
ForEach ($T in $Teams) {
$Team = Get-MgTeam -TeamId $($T.GroupId)
$Channels = @(Get-MgTeamChannel -TeamId $($T.GroupId) |Sort DisplayName)
#Process Each Channel in the Team
ForEach ($C in $Channels) {
$Tabs = @(Get-MgTeamChannelTab -TeamId $($T.GroupId) -ChannelId $($C.Id) -ExpandProperty TeamsApp |Sort DisplayName)
#Process Each Tab in Each Channel in the Team
ForEach ($TA in $Tabs) {
#Only output an item where the App for the Tab is 'Wiki'
If ($($TA.TeamsApp.DisplayName) -eq 'Wiki') {
$objectCurrent = $objectTemplate.PSObject.Copy()
$objectCurrent.Team = $($Team.DisplayName)
$objectCurrent.Archived = $($Team.IsArchived)
$objectCurrent.Channel = $($C.DisplayName)
$objectCurrent.ChannelType = $($C.MembershipType)
$objectCurrent.Tab = $($TA.DisplayName)
$objectCurrent.App = $($TA.TeamsApp.DisplayName)
$Items += $ObjectCurrent
#Print the Results to the screen
$Items |Select Team, Archived, Channel, ChannelType, Tab, App |Format-Table
#Export Results to a CSV File
$Items |Select Team, Archived, Channel, ChannelType, Tab, App |Export-Csv -Path $Home\TeamsWithWikiApp.csv
#Disconnect from SPOService and MgGraph
- Teresa_CyrusMar 31, 2023MVPGreat! Thanks for sharing.
Collaboration at its finest!