Forum Discussion

jangliss's avatar
Steel Contributor
Dec 09, 2020

Emergency Locations, Port Data, and physical phones

TLDR; Has anybody had any luck with Teams devices, such as a Poly CCX 400, Yealink MP56, or AudioCodes HD450 in getting location data when you have port level data defined?


I've seen this come up a couple of times, and have opened a case with Microsoft. First thing they did was point the fingers at the hardware vendors, but they all say they're just running the Teams client, so it has to be a Microsoft issue.  Setup goes something like this:


  • Setup a Civic Address



$civAddress = New-CsOnlineLisCivicAddress .....



  • Assign a subnet to that civic address



Set-CsOnlineLisSubnet -Subnet -LocationId $civAddress.DefaultLocationId



  • Add a location for a room at that civic address



$loc = New-CsOnlineLisLocation -CivicAddressId $civAddress.CivicAddressId -Location 'Boardroom'



  • Assign a port to that location using LLDP information from the switch



Set-CsOnlineLisPort -LocationId $loc.LocationId -PortId 'Gi-0/0/14' -ChassisId 'AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF-'



  • Plug in physical phone device (such as any of the ones listed above)
  • Dial 911 (or 933 if you have testing setup)
  • Observe phone pulls the location up for the Civic Address, and PIDF-LO data sent to the 911/933 operator (such as Intrado) is the Civic Address only.
  • Unplug physical device, and plug in laptop
  • Dial 911 (or 933 if you have testing setup)
  • Observe Teams client address shows the room information you defined earlier, and PIDF-LO data also includes that room data

So this seems like the Teams client on a Windows workstation works fine, but physical phone device does not appear to be pulling the location properly.  Anybody successfully been able to get port level location data working with physical devices?



  • JakeReed 


    From my the last update from Microsoft, the next update will be in June should have fixes for the phones.


    As for the MS Teams client itself, that should work assuming you have the correct information in Teams. I'd double check the values being sent in the LLDP packets to make sure you're using the right values for chassis ID and port ID.  Some switches will send extra information (TLVs) so it's important to grab the right fields.


    If you connect a computer with Win10 and the Teams client on, give it some time to verify the networks. Go to Settings > Calling and see what location is showing up.  If you see a location, close the settings window, and hit ctrl+alt+shift+1. It'll dump a bunch of log files into your Downloads\ folder.  If you look at the file named "MSTeams Diagnostics <datetime>.txt" and search for chassisId, you should see what the Teams client is sending to Microsoft.  You could confirm this is what you have configured.

  • MikeBaker44's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Remember that the site's WAN IP must be listed as a Trusted IP under Locations > Network Topology > Tusted IPs before it will evaluate anything else (subnet, chassis ID, etc).


    That ended up being the issue for me.

  • JakeReed's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Hi, I'm trying to get this working with Yealink MP54 Teams phones (running latest firmware) but I am struggling.
    I have got it working using subnet so I know the trusted IPs and locations etc are all set up, but I cannot get it working with switch/port.
    I have done a Wireshark capture and can see the LLDP information from the phone which I have put into TAC (using the xx-xx- format for switch MAC) but it does not give me the location.
    I am also trying to do this with a Windows 10 client but I cannot get this working either.
    I have a Cisco and UniFi switch and they both have LLDP enabled.

    Does anyone have any tips please?
    • jangliss's avatar
      Steel Contributor



      From my the last update from Microsoft, the next update will be in June should have fixes for the phones.


      As for the MS Teams client itself, that should work assuming you have the correct information in Teams. I'd double check the values being sent in the LLDP packets to make sure you're using the right values for chassis ID and port ID.  Some switches will send extra information (TLVs) so it's important to grab the right fields.


      If you connect a computer with Win10 and the Teams client on, give it some time to verify the networks. Go to Settings > Calling and see what location is showing up.  If you see a location, close the settings window, and hit ctrl+alt+shift+1. It'll dump a bunch of log files into your Downloads\ folder.  If you look at the file named "MSTeams Diagnostics <datetime>.txt" and search for chassisId, you should see what the Teams client is sending to Microsoft.  You could confirm this is what you have configured.

      • JakeReed's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Thank you jangliss this is really helpful.

        I didn't see your update but I have seen it now. I assume this bug is regarding the native Teams phones getting location information at a port level? Did you ever get it working at just a switch level or didn't you try this?

        I have done a Wireshark trace from my laptop Windows 10 client and my Yealink phone. 
        Both traces give me the PortID as "Port 2" / "Port 8" and the chassisID as my switch MAC address in the format xx:xx:xx etc. The Microsoft documentation says to enter the MAC in their format xx-xx-xx which is what I did and it looks like you did the same format.
        I still don't have any location information in my Teams client unfortunately. I added the locations into TAC a couple of weeks ago. 

        I do have this logged with MS at the moment and after a couple of initial looks they said everything looks fine but so far there hasn't been a lot of traction with the case.


  • jangliss's avatar
    Steel Contributor

    KruthikaPonnusamy Ilya Bukshteyn Any input on this?  Been testing since the 1449/ hit the phones and not had any success, where as laptops plugged into same port resolve fine.  Opened a case 25409338 yesterday with details.

    • jangliss's avatar
      Steel Contributor

      Not a good response from support today, on this "new feature".


      I just wanted to inform you that Product Group has already finished their initial investigation and this has been accepted as a bug ― the product group will work on identifying the faulty code, restoring the functionality and patching it in to all branches of Office.


      The engineering team will go through the process of developing, testing, and then deploying the fix globally however their is no tentative ETA for has been setup till now for fixing the issue. Once the fix is complete it will be deployed to your tenant and no further action is needed on your end.

      Sounds like out the gate, they didn't even get it working right.


      • radz's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Looks like it is going to take ages for a Fix 😞
        Moreover, for the Teams client to fetch location based on Chassis do we need to add any MS IP to Switch ACL, or just adding the Chassis ID with the location at Tenant should be fine.?
  • pgilbertson's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    I'm working on this issue currently, Teams windows client pulls location and routes to local PSAP, but Yealink MP56 is still going out to the national ECC. 


    I've provided a link to Microsofts latest release for Teams phone software, which does call out LLDP for E911 Updates. Unfortunately after updating my phones it still does not seem to make a difference. I've set up everything up to switch chassis ID#s, did not do Port ID #s. But now i'm wondering if i need to go down that rabbit hole to make this actually work?



    • jangliss's avatar
      Steel Contributor

      I'm not sure if you noticed, but the firmware updated ( which was released at the beginning of last week had 1449/ Microsoft released a new firmware over the last day or two 1449/ I'm assuming this is the firmware that has the LLDP fixes in it. I've got it rolling out to a handful of test phones to see how it plays out, including the MP56 phones.

      If you have chassis IDs it should be fine to that level, assuming that's as granular as you want to get it. Double check the firmware you're on, and then retest.
      • radz's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        jangliss, Did you get a chance to test with version 1449/ Please confirm if the location displays on the phone.? I have T55A with version 1449/ but the location does not appear. I have the chassis ID configured and the phone logs shows its trying to call location info with Chassis Info, however the location does not appear.
    • jangliss's avatar
      Steel Contributor
      pgilbertson Yes, I saw that update as well. Initial tests after the firmware upgrade didn't hold out much hope, but I need to do some more validating and testing (a project for Monday).
