Forum Discussion

YoukaKitano's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 26, 2021

"Due to org policy, you can't use (Gmail) with Teams on this device. Contact your admin"

This error pops up whenever I try to open the Microsoft Teams app with my Gmail accounts. I've tried with both of my Gmail accounts and it still gave me the same error, even changing the privacy settings to see if it works. Tried it on my school account (not Gmail) and the app works fine. Any suggestions? 

  • tcwicks's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    If all of the given excuses were really the case. Then why can I not sign into Teams on my personal phone using my personal @gmail ID ??? Why would I get the same error ???
    A) This is my personal phone
    B) This is my personal ID
  • Negh_Var's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    If this is a personal computer, it's most likely that at some point you or someone else signed in to a Microsoft Office product, it could be Teams but it could also be Word, Excel etc. with either a workplace or school account.

    During this process, the user is prompted to allow their organisation to manage their device or just allow sign into apps only. This effectively locks the Office product including Teams to this account no matter which option is chosen and policies relating to that workplace or school account get applied leading to this message when you try to use a personal account.

    You can try two methods, one which tries to break the link in Teams only or one that completely breaks the link in all office products. Note I only have instructions for Windows.

    Method 1:
    Quit Teams by right-clicking the icon in the notification area and choosing quit.
    Go to %appdata%\Microsoft and delete the Teams folder
    Go to 'Credential Manager' -> 'Windows Credentials' and remove any reference to Teams. You may see an entry/entries with 'msteams'. If there are none, continue on.
    Relaunch Teams and it may prompt you to sign in again.
    If it doesn't, and logs in automatically, you can try using the Sign-out option but I've had the application hang.
    If it fails you move to method 2.

    Method 2:
    Note that this may log you out of Office products including Outlook accounts
    Quit Teams by right-clicking the icon in the notification area and choosing quit.
    Go to %appdata%\Microsoft and delete the Teams folder
    Go to 'Settings' -> 'Accounts' -> 'Email & accounts'
    You may see your personal account there but also a 'Work or School account'
    If so click 'Access work or school' on the left, click the work or school account and remove it.
    Go back to 'Email & accounts' to verify the account is gone.
    Relaunch Teams and it should default to using your personal account or prompt for sign in.

    Basically despite Microsofts claims, their Office suite of products isn't ready for a multi-account setup. They design them so you have a pc that works best when one account is used be it personal, workplace or school. If you try account switching, the products get confused.

    Note that this is (slightly) different to user log ins in Windows. You can have multiple different people using the same pc with their own sign in account, it's just the application accounts under a single login.

    So you can Jane Bloggs and Joe Bloggs use the same pc but you can't have Joe Bloggs use a pc with his login and under that login have him use or and with Teams. It works fine initially but then you get this issue.
  • DezeureSam's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I was able to fix it manually. I'm not using a Mac, but I uninstalled Teams and then just went through the registry (regedit) and deleted EVERY SINGLE LINE) that contained the word teams... It was a hell of a job to do but finally i got my account back. I just don't understand how people actually want to use such crap as Teams. It hangs and crashes way too often. Good job Gates, it's just missing the blue screen.
  • DezeureSam's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    YoukaKitano   exactly the same error... I wish TEAMS would get a team of people who actually know what they are doing.  Still waiting on the download folder, although I don't need it anymore.  School is finished but somehow I'm still locked out of my OWN COMPUTER with teams.  it still says I need to contact the admin from our school, which has nothing to do with my computer and can't really do anything about this problem.  


    My school account doesn't even exist anymore since we graduated, but even reinstalling teams does not make any difference.  Is reformatting really the only solution to solve TEAMS???? Come on guys, fix your software!  Online with Chrome I can log in with my gmail account, but the software gives this exact same issue.  


    How can some institution limit my access on MY computer without ever having admin rights???? They only had rights on their own server when I logged in.


    but looking at the amount of people that have this issue and how many MONTHS this has been going on, it seems that the issue is similar to Bill Gates his marriage... can't be fixed.   Guess is back to Zoom...

    • DezeureSam I understand the frustration, it's a mess sometimes with mixed credentials on a device.


      As previously mentioned this is - usually - happening because of a policy set by an admin. This can also be configured on a personal device if you have ever used your work/school account on that device. In that case you need to disconnect the work/school account as shown in the image above (W10 account settings) to have the device removed from the org. and also clear some cached objects.


      Some are certain they have never signed in with a work/school account, they say it's a personal device only and still have this issue. Then I would also suggest to follow the steps detailed here to remove cache and any saved credentials Due to org policy, you can’t use with Teams on - Microsoft Community


      This is a really good script to reset the Teams autostart settings, just copy it, start PowerShell and paste it and hit enter PowerShell script sample - Reset the autostart setting in Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs For what it's worth it has helped me several times.


  • DiannaB's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi there. Same issue, private computer, new desktop with no company-owned software or accounts signed in. 


  • drescherjm's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Frustratingly I get the same message and it tells me to contact the administrator which is me..



    • YoukaKitano's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      adam deltinger It's on my personal laptop. I've tried on Chrome and Safari but they direct me to the desktop app and it still gives me the same error. The Gmail account works perfectly on the phone app though. 

      • llioelg's avatar
        Copper Contributor

         I'm in the same situation.

        I'm not in an organisation, and I'm using a my own email address which is forwarded to Gmail

