Forum Discussion

mmartin1935's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 06, 2023

Dialing by Extension

I'm having trouble finding an answer on this. I know this question has been asked before, but lots of things I'm seeing are pointing to Skype Business or users coming from Skype to Teams Phone, etc.....
  • jangliss's avatar
    Dec 08, 2023
    How many people are you talking about having extensions and numbers different than their DID?

    You could create a number normalization rule that normalizes 4 digits to the full phone number, you'd just end up with 1 rule for each person that has a different DID/extension.

    New-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Name BobsExt -Description "Bob's Extension to DID" -Pattern '^1122$' -Translation '+15555555555;ext=1122'
    New-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Name SarahsExt -Description "Sarah's Extension to DID" -Pattern '^2211$' -Translation '+15555554242;ext=2211'

    If you put the numbers in a spreadsheet/csv it wouldn't be hard to use some PowerShell to loop through the list and then push it into Teams.

    Another option, though not sure if it's available yet, is Teams Private Numbers. Assign a static phone number with the extension as a private number, then your normalization rule is simplified:

    New-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Name ExtensionMatch -Description "Extension Normalization" -Pattern '^(\d{4})$' -Translation '+15555555555;ext=$1'
