Clear cached credentials on a shared computer
We use shared Windows 10 computers in our meeting rooms, which automatically log into a dedicated account for that meeting room.
When users log into their Teams account, their Teams account credentials are saved somewhere. Because the next time their login name is entered, teams signs in, without asking for a password.
This happens even when the user logs out of Teams, before shutting down the PC.
Where can I find these cached credentials, and how can I clear these cached credentials?
What I already tried:
Clearing all entries in the credential manager with the command:
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %G in ('cmdkey /list ^| findstr Target') do cmdkey /delete %H
Deleting the folder %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams
Clearing the complete browsing history, cookies, etc.. from the Chrome browser and Internet Explorer browser.
Enable the GPO setting:
Network access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication
But after these steps, when logging into teams with a account which is used before, without asking for a password login is possible.
Best regards,
Thanks ThereseSolimeno, although is was not the solution, the last post of 'Marconi Poveda' did put me on the right track.
The account settings are stored as a work or school account within Windows 10.
These settings are stored in the folder "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin_* "
After deleting this folder al settings are removed.