Forum Discussion

jasahuddin's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 03, 2019

Error with file upload question.

Hi,  how to resolve this error... i unable to edit it as it grey out . error message "There’s a problem with the question highlighted. Fix it and try again." 


  • luismi77's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Dear Colleagues:

    I've create a video to help solving this error. You can access it in


    Although it is in Portuguese, you can add the subtitles. Please check if it solves your problem and send me your feedback.

    Also you can check other videos in



  • Damien_Rosario's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi jasahuddin 


    I suggest that you should delete the question (the option appears to be actively available in your screen shot) and then add it back again and see if that fixes the issue? If it's still an issue, try with a slightly different variation of the questions text to see if that stops the issue.


    Sometimes easier to delete and add back than to try and fiddle with it.



